A really useful technique to use when setting goals is known as SMART.
Do you know what the letters SMART stand for? Have a go at typing an answer to this question in the box below.
When you are setting goals, the letters SMART can be used to help you set goals which are:
Click to take a look at an example.
Sam has written down the following goal:
In three years’ time, I will have achieved three A-Levels, at grade C or above, and I will be at university studying a Sports Science degree.
As you can see, this goal is specific – it states clearly what Sam is going to achieve. It is measurable – Sam will be able to determine how well he has achieved the goal by comparing his performance against what is set out in the goal (for example, if he achieves higher grades than expected). The goal is realistic and achievable…Sam hasn’t set himself a goal that is too difficult (or impossible) for him to reach. Finally, it is time-bound – Sam wants to achieve the goal in three years’ time.
Revisit the goals that you set for yourself on the previous page. Are your goals SMART? If they aren’t, what changes could you make to your goals to make them more specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound? Type your notes into the box below.
You can also ask yourself additional questions, to help you plan specific actions you may need to take in order to achieve your goals. For example:
The more detail you can include in your planning, the greater success you will have in achieving your future goals!