The energy balance equation

Another factor to consider when trying to achieve a balanced diet is the energy balance equation. This is the key factor when it comes to weight management.

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Basically, the energy balance equation is all about getting the right balance between the sources of energy you put into your body and how much energy your body needs each day. The more physically active you are, then the more energy your body will need to function properly.

Click on the buttons to explore three different energy balance examples.

Energy consumed is less than energy used

Foods that contain carbohydrates and fats give our body energy. If our activity levels mean that we use up (burn) more energy than we are consuming in our diet, weight loss will occur. This is an effective form of ‘dieting’ for someone who is overweight. However, health problems can arise as a result of long periods of insufficient energy consumption and an unbalanced diet (for example, malnutrition).

Energy consumed is greater than energy used

Foods that contain carbohydrates and fats give our body energy. However, if we don’t need all of the energy that is created by these foods (we consume more energy than we need), then it is simply stored in our body as fat. Over time, this excess fat can lead to weight gain, obesity, diabetes, increased risk of heart disease, etc.

Energy consumed is the same as energy used

This is the key to maintaining a healthy body weight over time – a balanced diet that gives your body the right amount nutrients and energy it needs. You don’t need to strive to achieve perfect balance every day, but by trying to eat the right amounts of the right foods, while avoiding ‘bad’ fats and sugars, you will be well on your way to a healthy lifestyle in no time!